All plans offer unlimited courses and students
Choose one of our monthly plans or save even more with an annual plan
2 Site admin accounts
Unlimited students/courses
Unlimited chapters/topics
Full e-commerce solution
No Transaction fee
Keep 100% of your revenue
Instant payouts
Sell offline workshops and events
Course creation tutorials
Intelligent user/admin dashboards
Detailed course/sales reports
Product Support
Everything in Basic, plus:
5 Site admin accounts
Private & hidden courses
Drip feed (Scheduled) content
Create quizzes in courses
Scoring system for quizzes
Issue certificates to students
Student transcripts
Create notes for students
Allow subscription payments
Split payments for high ticket courses
Add discount codes and coupons
Course badges for students
Add your company logo
Dedicated domain name
Everything in Professional, plus:
7 Site admin accounts
Unlimited user groups
Unlimited group admins
Unlimited communities
Create a UDEMY like marketplace
Sell courses made by others!
Add Unlimited instructors/sellers
Revenue sharing dashboard
Instructor profit sharing for sellers
Instructor income/sales reports
White label (remove CYATL brand)
2 Site admin accounts
Unlimited students/courses
Unlimited chapters/topics
Full e-commerce solution
No transaction fees
Keep 100% of your revenue
Instant payouts
Sell offline workshops and events
Course creation tutorials
Intelligent user/admin dashboards
Detailed course/sales reports
Product Support
Everything in Basic, plus:
5 Site admin accounts
Private & hidden courses
Drip feed (scheduled) content
Create quizzes in courses
Scoring system for quizzes
Issue certificates to students
Student transcripts
Create notes for students
Allow subscription payments
Split payments for high ticket courses
Add discount codes and coupons
Course badges for students
Add your company logo
Dedicated domain name
Everything in Professional, plus:
7 Site admin accounts
Unlimited user groups
Unlimited group admins
Unlimited communities
Create a UDEMY like marketplace
Sell courses made by others!
Add Unlimited instructors/sellers
Revenue sharing dashboard
Instructor profit sharing for sellers
Instructor income/sales reports
White label (remove CYATL brand)
Your questions answered
How are my courses hosted?
Your courses are hosted on our dedicated servers, but to your customers, it looks to be seamlessly integrated with your existing site.
What is the setup fee?
CYATL Courses does not charge a setup fee. If we host your domain, there is no additional annual fee for the cost of the domain while you remain a customer.
What kind of content can I include?
Any kind you want! Your completely protected courses can deliver Video content, Text, HTML, Images, PDFs – there’s no limit.
Is there a limit to how much content I can upload?
Upload any amount you want! Create as many courses as you like and add as many students as you want – there’s no limit.
What if I choose to cancel my plan?
Obviously, we’d hate to see you go, but at CYATL Courses we don’t hold you to any long term contracts or commitments. If you choose to cancel, your service will be discontinued at the end of the month, for monthly subscriptions or for annual plans, at the end of your annual subscription.
Can I use my own domain?
How do I get paid?
When your CYATL Courses platform is created, simply connect to your payment gateway. We currently support PayPal, STRIPE, and PayMill. Once someone purchases a course, the money is immediately added to your gateway account. CYATL Courses does not charge ANY transaction fees. The money you earn is 100% yours to keep!
Can I provide free courses?
Absolutely! Offer free courses as lead magnets. One of the best ways to grow your site and get more users to signup is by offering free courses. Offer a short instructional video, for example, to let your potential customers see the quality of what you offer. Or, you can provide the first module of a course for free to encourage a customer to purchase the full course. You decide!
How do I connect my website?
You can create a menu item (or a link) on your existing website and redirect your visitors to your CYATL Courses content.
What if I want a new website?
You can use your CYATL Courses platform as a stand alone website or, we can build a new, custom website for you (we’ve been at it since 2004). We’ll incorporate your course platform right within your website. We’ll even manage it for you! You will have administrative rights to your site, and you can run your entire business from the website. Contact us for more details. Ask about our hosted Enterprise or fully managed Enterprise Concierge solutions for a detailed quote.
I'm interested in the Business edition. How do my instructors get paid?
The Business edition of CYATL Courses allows you to create a Udemy like marketplace for online courses. Take a bite out of the big $51 BILLION e-Learning business. By opening up your platform to outside instructors, you create a crowd-sourced, evergreen education platform.
Instructors who place their courses on your site can see their course sales reports and their own profit share earnings from these reports. You determine what percentage of the sales you retain for hosting their courses on an individual instructor basis. You can then set up a payment schedule with your instructors (usually monthly) and transfer money to them from the payment gateway of your choice.